Monday, February 1

A New Spin on Yogurt

It’s funny how it’s freezing outside and snow is on the ground, yet I crazy cold things like iced mochas, ice cream and smoothies.  Before becoming pregnant one of my favorite breakfasts was yogurt with granola and now it’s really not.  I don’t have an aversion to it -  I guess there are just so many other breakfast things I started to like more. 

On one of favorite baby message boards, I learned about these new Yoplait frozen smoothie mixes.  We used to buy a frozen smoothie kit from Target, but it was quite high in sugar and came with some weird, but delicious powdery stuff.  The Yoplait smoothie is 110 calories made with low-fat milk and only has fresh frozen fruit and yogurt added.  IMG_4224The calorie content is a little low for breakfast, so I added a whole banana.  One pouch makes 2 smoothies, so it was perfect to split with Ben.  For a little texture I added a sprinkle of granola too…perfection in a glass!

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